Current Gallery: astrophotography ( piece)
A selection of night photography. This gallery features astronomical objects like planets, constellations, galaxies, and our galaxy--the Milky Way--over iconic objects in our National Parks. The photos are just ONE image, NOT multiple image overlays. Panorama photos are multiple images stitched together horizontally, but are still not overlays. Exposures range from 30 seconds to just over one minute depending on the photo. In some images, the foreground objects were lit for a few seconds with a 2-million-candlepower spotlight, other flashlight, or camera flash. A tracking platform was used to eliminate star drift and keep the stars crisp in the photos, unless the photo is specifically labeled "star trails". On some images a star filter was put over the lens to create the "star" effect on brighter stars or planets.
A selection of night photography. This gallery features astronomical objects like planets, constellations, galaxies, and our galaxy--the Milky Way--over iconic objects in our National Parks. The photos are just ONE image, NOT multiple image overlays. Panorama photos are multiple images stitched together horizontally, but are still not overlays. Exposures range from 30 seconds to just over one minute depending on the photo. In some images, the foreground objects were lit for a few seconds with a 2-million-candlepower spotlight, other flashlight, or camera flash. A tracking platform was used to eliminate star drift and keep the stars crisp in the photos, unless the photo is specifically labeled "star trails". On some images a star filter was put over the lens to create the "star" effect on brighter stars or planets.